Gene McNaughton has been leading sales organizations around the world for over 23 years. After decades of record breaking results, he has master-minded a unique on-demand learning system so that companies all over the world could improve sales performance. What he has learned is that what drastically improves sales performance isn’t just a one-time training program or seminar – It’s the day-to-day rigor of training and “sales strengthening” that defines the difference between world class organizations and the rest. If that’s what you want with your sales team, read on.
Gene and his team have created this system by bringing together a group of leading experts in sales product development, and virtual online delivery systems, to master mind the key question: “How do we use technology to create a highly effective, affordable, and usable sales training system that could be used by any company in the world?”.
They’ve taken everything they’ve learned about growing high-performance organizations, to design an easy access, virtual training system that could be used over and over to create mastery level sales skills using all the latest technologies. Most importantly, they have created what many have called “The Holy Grail of Sales Training and Effectiveness”.
Gene’s mission is in leading the charge to deliver best practice and world-class training systems. And he has the track record to prove it. In addition to serving many organizations as their sales leader, he is also one of today’s top circuit speakers and strategists working with gurus such as Tony Robbins, Chet Holmes, and John Assaraf.
In addition, he and his team are in high demand by global organizations as Elite Business Growth Experts, being hired to execute record breaking sales, marketing and leadership strategies to drastically propel growth for companies from $1million in revenue to Billions of revenues.
Gene leads a team of expert consultants to reengineer and redesign companies sales operations, marketing, sales, and management strategies to achieve proven and maximum results.
Their multiple strategies, whether done alone or as part of a comprehensive transformational plan, are designed to span the depth of each organization they work with. Their techniques teach how to have powerful, and persuasive conversations, combined with delivering integrated marketing and sales strategies that are focused on value – NOT PRICE.
Their proven sales systems have helped clients increase their revenues, dominate their markets, and reduce the risk of competitive pressures. Are you looking for that?
If you are looking for any of the following:
- A speaker for your next sales event
- To discuss how the Sales Mastery System could be used in your company
- You want us create your own “Selling and Marketing Machine”
- To understand how Consulting Services could help you in all areas, including, Sales, Marketing, Management, and Metrics
- Or you just flat out want to learn more on how we can help you…
Then please contact us immediately.
One of our consultants will get in touch with you right away.